Music instruments modifier V4 81015118 2405 8101511A 00?? ?? digits to replace instruments Use: 81015118 3A65 8101511A 00?? to arrange the instruments in a different order 00=*DUMMY* 01=string ensemble 02=jingle ish 03=clarinets 04=horn 05=orchestral strings 06=low strings 07=harp 08=whistle 09=light woodblocks? 0A=bees 0B=dinosaurs and birds 0C=ugas 0D=? 0E=repeat trombone 0F=trombone 10=death bells 11=squirrel soldier babbling 12=? 13=charang 14=light organ 15=organ? 16=out of tune bass? 17=drums and cymbals 18=accordion(unused?) 19=marimba 1A=clang noise 1B=dark clang noise 1C=babies crying, children laughs, bubbling, and winds 1D=darker clang noise 1E=... poo mountains wrath?(honestly don't know) 1F=cello 20=cello 21=rock solid 22=gingligong 23=teardrops? 24=low bongos 25=? 26=gingligong-eerie noise 27=gingligong-eerie noise 28=? 29=vibraphone? 2A=uga cave 2B=Weird strings(Unused? I just can't recall hearing this in any final song) 2C=violins 2D=banjo 2E=boing (Unused?) 2F=tuba? 30=dark synthbrass? 31=timpani 32=boom 33=glockenspeil? 34=? 35=drumroll 36=cymbals? 37=matador trumpet? 38=harpsichord 39=bling blong 3A=bling blong 3B=synth drum? 3C=acoustic nylon 3D=somthing 3E=marracas 3F=? 40=kazoo? 41=kazoo? 42=tuba/horn 43=? 44=sparkle-ish 45=acoustic grand 46=acoustic grand 47=acoustic grand? 48=gargle?? 49=cow bells? 4A=nothing? 4B=polysynth? 4C=? 4D=Bling? 4E=train-ish?(Twelve Tales Leftover??) 4F=muted trumpet 50=light organ 51=dark strings 52=darker strings 53=nighttime sounds 54=nighttime sounds 55=? 56=nighttime sounds 57=nighttime sounds 58=nighttime sounds? 59=synthbrass 5A=crowd cheer 5B=dark strings 5C=darker strings 5D=rain? 5E=? 5F=dulcimer 60=woodblock 61=woodblock 62=woodblock 63=woodblock 64=woodblock 65=woodblock 66=woodblock 67=uga cave noise 68=uga cave noise 69=uga cave noise 6A=? 6B=? 6C=? 6D=? 6E=duuuing 6F=choir ahs 70=horn 71=windy trumpet 72=weird string 73=viola 74=? 75=? 76=? 77=nothing? 78=pisstastic noises 79=pisstastic noises? 7A=pisstastic noises? 7B=? 7C=strings 7D=the great mighty poo strings(i had no better name for it, so what?) 7E=gameboy 7F=gameboy 80=gameboy 81=gameboy 82=gameboy 83=pizzicato strings 84=water drip 85=heist trumpet 86=dark timpani/bongo 87=strings 88=dark drumroll 89=guns 8A=waves 8B=strange 8C=uga and bongos 8D=uga drums 8E=? 8F=the great mighty poo instrument 90=danger... or whatever 91=danger 92=danger 93=danger 94=synthbrass?? 95=sax? 96=duck?! 97=fretless bass 98=electric piano 99=electric piano 9A=? 9B=water 9C=seagull 9D=trumpet 9E=poo sounds 9F=?? A0=Trombone A1=rock solid A2=synth bass A3=rock solid A4=matrix A5=the great might poo's AAH(not hearable in many songs) A6=pipes and metal A7=banjo? A8=anti-no-more-drunk-pills strings A9=trumpet